Beni Ouarain Journal

How to choose the right rug and all you need to know about the Beni Ouarain Family

Beautiful Black and White Moroccan Rugs

About 3.3 million years ago, the development of tools made from stone saw the coming of what is now known as the Palaeolithic Age. It is since this time that the people indigenous to Morocco have been weaving carpets and textiles. These Moroccan rugs have gained wide popularity over the ages, especially in the West … continue reading

An Overview of Moroccan white rugs

An Overview of Moroccan white rugs Introduction Moroccan Berber rugs, vintage Moroccan rugs or white Moroccan rugs are same just made up of different tools. All these rugs are made by the tribal people of  North Africa. They used to make it for their own purposes but nowadays it has become a fashion and people … continue reading

Geschiedenis van de Marokkaanse Kleed en de voordelen ervan

Geschiedenis van de Marokkaanse Kleed en de voordelen ervan Introductie van de Marokkaanse Kleden Laten we eerst eens kijken naar wat een kleed is voor we het hebben over de Marokkaans vloerkleed. Nou daar hoeven we het niet al te lang over te hebben, want er is namelijk zo’n verschil tussen een tapijt en een … continue reading

Authentieke Beni Ouarain Kleed

De mooiste Berber tapijten bij Originele Beni Ouarain Outlet Bij Beni Ouarain Outlet vind je de mooiste Berber tapijten van de hoogste kwaliteit. Onze authentieke Marokkaanse tapijten worden vervaardigd van 100% schapenwol en zijn rechtstreeks afkomstig uit het Atlasgebergte. Dit is waar het Berber tapijt zijn oorsprong vindt. Bij Beni Ouarain Outlet hechten we veel waarde aan de kwaliteit van onze Berbers. Om die reden importeren … continue reading

Wegwijzer voor Marokkaanse Berber kleden

Wegwijzer voor Marokkaanse Berber kleden   De obsessie voor Marokkaanse berber kleden is niet vandaag begonnen. Halverwege de 20e eeuw lieten populaire ontwerpers zoals Frank Lloyd Wright en Alvar Aalto zich inspireren door de berbertapijten. Met eco-stijlen, mondiaal en bohemien die in populariteit toenemen in het westen, heeft het Marokkaanse Berber-vloerkleed zijn comfortzone gevonden, met … continue reading

Moroccan Wool Rug

An introduction to Moroccan wool Rug Introduction Berbers are a group of tribal people who stay in Africa. While staying there they used to make rugs of their own needs. These Berbers are distributed in many areas like: Atlantic ocean Siwa Oasis in Egypt Mediterranean sea Niger river in West Africa They used to speak … continue reading

What you should consider about Berber Rugs

What you should consider about Berber Rugs The Berber are a tribe indigenous to North Africa and the Sahara. The name, when associated to carpets and/or rugs specifically refers to the distinctive style of weaving applied by the Berber women, that of loops and knots. Although the question of authenticity falls under a grey area … continue reading

The Real Beni Ouarain Rugs

The Real Beni Ouarain Rugs Comes of course From Beni Ourain Tribe There are many Moroccan rugs available in the market and their origin might also be from Morocco but if you are looking for some authentic Moroccan rugs, then you should look for Moroccan rugs Beni Ourain. The authentic Berber rugs are made by … continue reading

The Perfect Moroccan Wool Rug

How to Choose the Perfect Moroccan Wool Rug for Your Room The wide variety of vintage Moroccan rugs, berber rugs, makes it especially challenging to find a perfect rug for your room. There are certainly a lot of factors that you should put into consideration as we will discuss in this article. A Perfect Rug … continue reading

Authentic Beni Ourain Moroccan Rugs

The Rise to Fame of the Moroccan Berber Rugs In the last few years, modern interior trends have been graced by Moroccan rugs. Rugs characterized by high pile fluffs and thick knots of pure wool, like the minimalist Beni Ourain have become a center of attraction in many homes. Moroccan Berber tribes traditionally used ‘flat weave’ techniques … continue reading

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